When You Marry Well…

LEGO 1950s Pickup Truck

LEGO® 1950s Pickup Truck

After swearing that she’s not buying me LEGO, Rina presented me with this for Valentine’s Day this year!

To be fair, she also wasn’t too big into comic book characters either, but after I got Henry into Superman and Batman she has absorbed a remarkable amount of information about comic characters in general, and DC characters in particular. She can even tell you about more minor characters like Star Girl, Hawkman, Dr. Fate, and Black Canary, in addition to the better known figures like Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, Batman, and Green Arrow, so change is possible 🙂

I Got One of My White Whales!

Action Comics #1 LEGO


After a very long wait, I got one of the LEGO sets I’ve wanted forever, the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con Action Comics #1 exclusive. It features Superman smashing a green car just like he did on the comic book cover that the character first appeared in. Now if I can just scheme a way to get the Black Suit Superman…